The Session, Trustees, and Pastor Rev. Dr. Randall Jenkins have instituted the Central Presbyterian Church Foundation to achieve the following, by the following principles:
- To create a perpetual funding source for the types of ministries that reflect the hearts and theological priorities of the members of Central Presbyterian Church: proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ, building the Kingdom and furthering the work of the Church.
- The foundation will strategically invest and disburse financial resources for local, national, and worldwide ministries that are above and beyond the regular budget.
- Guided by scripture and accountable to the membership, the foundation will be a tool by which we can multiply the effectiveness of our giving by joining our gifts and benefit from compounding interest.
- A Session-elected Board of Directors consisting of at least 3 members of Central Presbyterian Church will govern the foundation; half of the Board is required to be Ruling Elders. The officers and directors receive no compensation for their service. The foundation is designed to exist in perpetuity. Should the foundation terminate, all of its assets would return to Central Presbyterian Church.
- Investment professionals who are directed by the foundation’s Board will manage the portfolio of the foundation.
- Policies will have been established to insure the fiduciary requirements have been reviewed and met in all aspects of the foundation’s activities.
- The investment policy of the foundation follows the “prudent man rule,” and accordingly, provides for value investing in diverse industries and investments as well as flexibility to adapt to changing economic and market conditions.
- Contributors to the foundation are those willing to share a portion of their accumulated assets, over and above their annual giving to the church.
Even the smallest gift, when combined with others, can significantly multiply the effectiveness of our giving, bearing fruit in Huntsville and across the world to make a strategic and lasting impact for Christ.