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 The Central Office

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What is “The Central Office”? We are so happy you asked!

From ancient times, worship been much more than a weekly group activity, but a personal and corporate habit of daily time spent with God. In the church lexicon, “office” is a prescribed order or form for devotions, and “the office” is also the place we go to do our assigned work. The Central Office is not intended to be just a devotional or Bible reading plan, nor was it designed to be added to our list of daily chores. Instead, The hope for the Central Office is that it would lead us into the habits of grace, where the Holy Spirit guides us in friendship with God as we learn and pray the Scriptures along with the fellowship of His saints.

Taking our cue from covenant communities who for hundreds of years have faithfully plodded together through the whole counsel of Scripture, the aim of The Central Office is learning together to pray God’s Word back to Him, learning together to see Christ as the fulfillment not only of all of Scripture but also of our every need and longing. The goal is not to “get through” a certain amount of content, but to be shaped by our daily time with Him. We believe, as Scripture says, that the Word of God is itself the power of God for salvation for all who believe, and The Central Office hopes to be a user-friendly tool that will walk us through the Scriptures together.

When you sign up, The Central Office will be delivered to your inbox each morning, Monday through Friday, and will include an invocation, daily Scripture readings, guided prayer prompts, a song for reflection, and a benediction. Each day we will have selected passages from the Psalms, the Old Testament, the Gospels, and the New Testament. The goal is not just to read through the Bible, but to see God at work in all of Scripture. We might read everything every day, or perhaps some days the Lord may speak to us in just a handful of verses. The goal each day is not completion, but adoration, contemplation, and reflection of our one true and majestic God. We would love for the entire church to join us each weekday in The Central Office. We pray that the Lord would use this time in His Word to conform us more and more into the image of His Son.

If you have any questions or would like to talk about this more in depth, we would love to hear from you.

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