If you're interested in investing in Central's Middle and High school students, but have a busy schedule and can't commit to helping out every week, don't worry. We have many needs both in items and skills, and want to find a way to connect you to our teens in any way that works best with your abilities, gifts and resources. Please fill out the form below and we will get back with you soon. Thank you so much!
With questions, please reach out to Alex: alex@centralpresb.org
Thank you so much for taking the time to fill out our Youth Ministry Inventory survey! It takes a whole church family to nurture and teach this special group of kids, and we're so excited to hear of your interest and / or willingness to invest in this age.
Our youth leaders will follow up soon!
Alex and the Youth Leaders
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406 Randolph Ave SE Huntsville, AL 35801
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9AM-3PM