To create a perpetual funding source for the types of ministries that reflect the hearts and theological priorities of the members of Central Presbyterian Church: proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ, building the Kingdom and furthering the work of the Church.
Through the giving of our accumulated wealth, the Central Presbyterian Church Foundation is a means by which we can expand this stewardship beyond our lifetimes by supporting those ministries and missions we are passionate about. In this way our love and support of God’s Kingdom will be part of the legacy we leave to those generations that will follow in the work of Christ’s Church.
Having our own foundation enables the members of Central to support and direct our resources into areas of ministry long after we have joined the Church Triumphant. Contained within our foundation’s By-Laws are built in structures to keep us from hoarding these resources, co-mingling foundation and general budget funds or some day down the road funding ministries that do not adhere to Gospel priorities and the hearts of the members of Central.
Gifts to the foundation are above and beyond the normal tithe and will be used to fund strategic ministry initiatives rather than to support ongoing ministry and mission, which is the function of our general budget. All members of Central are encouraged, as a part of their overall stewardship plan, to remember the foundation in their wills, living trusts or through any other gift, no matter how large or small. This is everyone’s foundation!
- Rev. Dr. Randy Jenkins
406 Randolph Ave SE Huntsville, AL 35801
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9AM-3PM